Vaccination certificate on CoWin for those who vaccinated outside India

2 min readAug 11, 2021


Vaccination certificate on CoWin for those who vaccinated outside India . According to a Livemint report Dr NK Arora who is the chairman of COVID 19 working group of National Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation ( NTAGI ) said that vaccination certificate will be given to those people who vaccinated outside India through CoWin portal . If a person is jabbed once then he/she need not to take jabs again in India . Vaccination certificate will also be open for those vaccines that have not been approved by India’s drug regulatory authority . If a person has taken first dose in abroad can take second dose in India . People who are jabbed with both the doses , a vaccination certificate on the basis of proof from valid authorities from the respective country can be considered for a vaccination certificate issued in India for domestic requirements , said Dr NK Arora . India is increasing choices of COVID 19 vaccines and emergency use authorisation ( EUA ) is given to Johnson & Johnson for its single dose . Dr NK Arora talked about mixing and matching of COVID 19 vaccines . He told that NTAGI is considering to allow mixing and matching of Covishield and Sputnik .




I am Navneet Kaur. Attained masters in Political Science from Punjab University, Chd. I am a freelancer, working as a content writer @https://scienceofpolitics.